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Nick Smoolca

This page will guide you through the youtube site.
Youtube: Main Page
Trending: These videos are featured for having high view counts in a short period of time.

Shortcuts: This button can bring you to youtube's own channels. ex: YoutubeTv, Youtube Gaming, Youtube Music, Youtube Kids, etc.
Shared and Liked: This section shows the most shared and liked videos on social newtworks.
Subscription Tab:
Once you create an account on Youtube this tab allows you to access the website more effeciently.

This button brings you to the page where the content from your subscriptions are watchable.
History: This keeps track of every video you've watched.
Watch Later: This button keeps track of all the videos you put on your watch later. Each video has the option to be archived on this page where you can go back and watch your subscriptions content.
Liked Videos: If you enjoyed a video enough to like the video. This button takes you to your archive of liked videos to see whenever you want.
Subscriptions: On youtube subscriptions are free. When subscribed to a channel the content creators videos will appear on your subscription page. This tab allows you to access there channel faster than the search bar.
Youtube Gaming Page:
Youtube Gaming: While this account doesn't promote eSports it can help you find other content creators that are involved in the eSports world. Feel free to explore and find something that catches your eye.

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